Key Stage 3

Help students explore the role of servant leadership, be inspired by people of faith who have impacted their communities, identify social and environmental issues, examine how to bring hope to community and prepare to be courageous advocates.

Info packs

Download an information pack, which explains in detail how the programme can work in your school.

Inspection & curriculum links

In England the Award has strong links to SMSC, British Values, PSHE, Character Education, Citizenship, RE and SIAMS and in Wales to the Four Purposes, fostering cynefin and contributing to RVE and RSE curriculums.

Ripley St Thomas school and AYLA

Case study

Case study content.

Free sample

Interested in what the resources look like? Download a sample lesson.


The KS3 Award costs £12 per student + VAT. Please contact us about discounts available if you would like to sign up more than 180 students. Price includes:

  • License to our online platform with full teaching and learning, planning and assessment materials

  • Training and support for participating teachers.

  • Student certificates and badges on completion.