Curriculum & inclusion

Our Curriculum and inclusion team provides support to dioceses, MATs and schools across a broad range of topics. We have a specific remit to set expectations for Church of England schools around religious education. We also engage with government policy on RHSE, and provide resources and training on embedding EDIJ principles (especially racial justice), courageous advocacy and character education throughout the curriculum.

Religious education

In Church of England schools, where pupils and staff come from all faiths and none, religious education is a highly valued academic subject that enables understanding of how religion and beliefs affect our lives.

At the heart of RE in church schools is the teaching of Christianity and pupils also learn about other faiths and world views. Church schools are expected to follow the Church of England Statement of Entitlement.

Collective worship

In Church of England schools, collective worship reflects the traditions of the Church of England and contributes to the flourishing of children and adults. Collective worship is the unique heartbeat of a Church school and is offered as part of a wider opportunity for pupils and adults to encounter faith by engaging in conversations about God, both as individuals and together.

Christianity as a global faith

Christianity as a Global Faith is a new resource designed to enable the study of the complex and diverse lived reality of Christianity, both in the UK and around the world. Further details coming soon.

Inclusion: overview

We believe that in our education system all pupils and adults should have the opportunity to flourish and we are committed to overcoming the barriers which prevent this. Here you will find how we are promoting inclusion for all in our work with dioceses, MATs and schools.

Racial justice

We are committed to delivering on the recommendations of ‘From Lament to Action’ for education, in recognition of the urgent and vital work that needs to take place in addressing issues of racial justice.

Flourishing for all

‘Flourishing for all’ sets out our commitment to enabling Church of England schools to prevent and tackle bullying in all its forms. Learn more about this suite of resources, being developed throughout 2024–25.


The National Society for Education is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults in the work that we do.