Further education

There are 288 FE colleges in England which educate almost 3.5 million people. Students follow all sorts of courses, from basic skills in English to A Levels to degrees. Some are preparing to go on to university, others qualifying for a particular career, others are already working and want to improve their qualifications. College students can be as young as 14 or into their 80s and 90’s.

The colleges range from small specialist centres, to Sixth Form Colleges to very large institutions, serving tens of thousands of students. Colleges also matter a great deal to their local communities. They are often one of the biggest local employers and work really closely with businesses, schools and universities.

Vision document

The Church

  • Helps provide chaplains – around 80% of colleges have a chaplaincy, with chaplains from all faiths and none, often local volunteers.

  • Offers a listening ear and pastoral support to people.

  • Helps run activities that build up better understanding between faith groups.

  • Provides ideas and resources for staff and students to explore spiritual and practical issues.

  • Helps college and church leaders set up chaplaincy services.

  • Works with other faiths and beliefs, so that chaplaincy can serve everyone.

  • Works with government departments and other organisations, to speak up for the needs of colleges and their students.