Educating for life in all its fullness

Life in all its fullness

The National Society for Education leads the Church of England's national work in education in partnership with 41 Diocesan Boards of Education and approximately 4,700 Church of England schools. We also support the national education work of the Church in Wales, which includes around 150 schools. Our presence extends to work with community schools and academy trusts, as well as higher and further education through numerous chaplaincies, providing spiritual support and guidance to children and young people, and to adults.

Professional learning

The National Society Foundation for Educational Leadership (previously known as "CEFEL"), provides Programmes, Networks, Research and Events to: ‘Develop inspirational leaders who are Called, Connected and Committed to deliver the Church of England Vision for Education.’

Growing Faith Foundation

Growing Faith is the movement that exists to put children, young people and families instinctively at the heart of all the mission and ministry of the Church by changing the culture of the Church of England. The Growing Faith Foundation seeks to benefit children and young people, helping them create the world they want to live in, specifically through the lens of the Christian faith.


The National Society facilitates the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS).

The Archbishops' Young Leaders Award

The Archbishops' Young Leaders Award aims to empower children and young people to 'be the change you want to see'.

Curriculum & Inclusion

The National Society supports Dioceses, MATs and schools across a broad range of curriculum and inclusion areas. Find out more here.

Education policy

The National Society for Education leads the Church of England's work in developing and shaping education policy.